
Handbook on e-democracy

Belgium | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Latvia | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland
E-democracy | Governance and Engagement
Belgium | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | Greece | Hungary | Ireland | Italy | Latvia | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland
E-democracy | Governance and Engagement
Project manager
Kristina Reinsalu, PhD

This publication is by the project EPACE. The main objective of the project is to elaborate and exchange good citizen participation practices in order to increase and promote participatory opportunities within the European Union member states.

The publication consists of the following parts:

Section 1 briefly introduces the EPACE project, the questionnaires used and the desktop studies. Some of the main definitions of the key concepts of e-democracy are presented here, and as background information, this section also introduces the essential principles of e-democracy in the CoE Recommendations, linking them to some existing practices.

Section 2 is about strategic planning and administration of e- democracy/e-participation in Member States.

Section 3 – the focus point of the publication – presents Good Practices from different European countries, classifying and describing them.

Section 4 summarizes the findings of the study and takes a brief look at ongoing processes and trends in Europe regarding planning and implementing e-democracy.